Data Protection Policy
Under the Data Protection Law you have specific rights.
We take our data privacy responsibilities seriously and we want you to understand and have confidence about how we handle your personal data and have provided this privacy notice to clarify these rights to you.
We record and use the following categories of personal data for you: name, address, telephone number, email, address, and any and all information regarding your project which we gather for the purpose of providing Architectural Services.
We do not share any of your data with anyone, except for the purpose is given in providing architectural services. We would note that in the process of Planning Applications, Byelaws Application, Consultant team consultations, product enquiries, tendering, and construction works, that some details will be available on publicly accessible places or web sites.
We will retain the data detailed above in our system securely until such times as you request us to delete it. Confidentiality will remain protected at all times, the sole exception being where disclosure is required (by law).
We acknowledge that the information you provide is confidential. We will maintain the confidentiality and protection of your information in accordance with our normal working procedures and all applicable laws.
As we process your personal data you have certain rights. These are right of access, a right of rectification, a right of erasure and a right to restrict processing. You may request a copy of your data at any time.
If you wish us to stop storing or using your data, for which a request in writing is required.
Should your personal data that we control be lost, stolen or otherwise breached, where this constitutes a high risk to your rights and freedoms, we will contact you without delay. We will give you the contact details of the Data Controller who is dealing with the breach, explain to you the nature of the breach and the steps we are taking to deal with it. You can contact the ICO via their website: should you wish to make a complaint about the way we are processing your personal data. We do not use any system that utilises automated decision making or profiling in respect of your personal data.
As a previous ‘client’, we have a legitimate reason for us to contact you via email to send you limited relevant updates. If you do not want to receive these emails then please reply to any emails we send and respond ‘DO NOT CONSENT’.
We may use images of your project on our Web Site, Advertising and Marketing information, however your Personal information will not be displayed.
We may change this policy from time to time – please contact us for the most up to date policy.