Acorn Enterprises
Renovation and expansion of Acorn Enterprises Site: Fostering sustainability and supporting JET Clients in Trinity's Green Zone

Situated in Trinity's Green Zone, the site is privately owned by Acorn Enterprises and leased to the Jersey Enterprise Trust (JET). Acorn's primary mission is to provide training and employment opportunities for JET clients, individuals with disabilities or long-term health conditions. The facilities aim to create a nurturing and educational environment for clients while benefiting the wider community through the recycling of goods that would otherwise be discarded.
The site encompasses diverse business purposes to support JET clients, including horticulture and plant sales, a café, timber yard, recycling workshop, offices for JET administration, workshops and training rooms for JET clients, as well as a craft retail shop. While the majority of activities are non-agricultural, a few are directly related to the agricultural industry.
The initially approved design in 2016 proposed converting the existing poly tunnels into a retail outlet alongside workshops and stores. However, subsequent detailed analysis revealed the economic and technical unviability of refurbishing the poly tunnels for the intended purpose. Consequently, a decision was made to remove the poly tunnels, partially recycle them, and construct a new portal frame building within the same footprint and volume as the previous approved scheme.
The new building, retaining an agricultural character, houses the same facilities to facilitate the recycling of goods. Jersey Enterprise Trust clients sort, repair, and either reuse or recycle the items for sale to the general public. The design of the new buildings maintains a similar scale and massing to the existing structures while harmonizing with their character, scale, and style."
Modifications were made to the entrance and exit routes, enhancing parking availability and improving visibility for visitors accessing and leaving the site.