La Collette, Green Street, St Helier

Morris Architects were appointed by the previous Housing Department, now Andium Homes, to review the regeneration of the existing La Collette Housing Estate on Green Street. Following a feasibility it was determined that the existing tower block should be refurbished and the low-rise be redeveloped to provide affordable homes, delivering a higher density to meet the policies of the 2011 Island Plan and meeting the requirement of the Council of Ministers to provide affordable homes on States owned land. An outline planning application was submitted to establish the principles of massing, scale, setting and impact, which was accompanied by a full environmental impact assessment and design code. The application went to the Planning Application Panel on the 10th December 2015 with recommendation for approval by the Officer. The Committee unanimously approved the application. Following the signing of a Planning Obligation Agreement between Andium Homes and the Planning Department, the planning permit was released.
A Third Party Appeal was lodged against the application by a local resident supported by Deputy Russell Labey. Morris Architects, on behalf of Andium Homes in association with MS Planning, defended the Appeal. The Appeal was recommended for being over-turned by an independent Planning Inspector and this decision was supported by the Planning Minister, Deputy Steve Luce.
Morris Architects are pleased to confirm that after a long and complicated planning process, an uncontested planning permission for the regeneration of La Collette Flats has been achieved and the first stage for the provision of affordable homes has been completed.